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BPP university alumni
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I was born and raised in Cardiff and attended state school in Newport for my GCSEs and A Levels. In 2009, I moved to London to start my law degree and in 2012, I began my LPC at BPP. I then undertook my training contract at Taylor Wessing and ultimately qualified with TW as a banking solicitor.
In early 2018 I moved firms to Addleshaw Goddard. I worked with the banking team at AG for a year, but when I was offered a secondment to AG’s Innovation and Legal Technology (ILT) team, I jumped at the chance. I spent nine months in the ILT team, learning about all things tech and getting the opportunity to apply my legal knowledge and experience within the legal tech space.
Keen to get even more experience in areas outside of traditional law, I am now on a 12 month secondment to AG’s Client Development Centre (CDC). My role is incredibly varied but my overarching responsibility is to work with in-house legal teams (i.e. our clients) to help both establish and assist them in meeting their legal strategy. I get to use my experience as a solicitor, and someone versed in the technology space, alongside my new found skills in in-house consulting. I find the role incredibly valuable and immensely fulfilling and enjoyable.
Organisations are beginning to wake up to just how powerful a diverse workforce can be. Individuals who can show that they have overcome adversity in the face of prejudice or difficulty present a compelling future employee to firms more so than grades can ever show. Likewise, different backgrounds means more diversity of cognition and thinking, which research has shown is only a good thing. Diversity is a toolkit in your arsenal – it is additive, not subtractive – and is an incredibly valuable thing.
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